More like cheat weekend! It was freaking glorious!! Even though my stomach was being a little punk…basically the whole time. Hahaha. That would be my only complaint. But, I was prepared for it to happen. I don’t have a complete list of things that I ate but a couple highlights would be

  • Mega Stuff Oreos
  • Red Velvet Cake with vanilla ice cream
  • French fries
  • Extra Toasted Cheez-its

So because of my great junk food adventure. I will not be doing my regular weight and measurement update for Monday. There will be a meal prep. It will be a head of my weekly measurements now.

I didn’t lose the two pounds that I mentioned before. But when I originally said I was going to cheat I was only waiting until I lose 30 pounds. I already lose 33. So I think I deserved it.

My Goals will be the same a usual.

  • Get back into ketosis
  • Keep water intake up
  • workout 3x’s
  • stretch daily

I hope you have a great week!


I had a Cheat Day!

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